Registration for our 2025 Summer Adventures will open Monday, March 10, 2025
Give your preschooler a summer filled with fun, exploration, and outdoor adventures at Hugging Tree! Each week brings exciting new discoveries with group activities, free play, special guests, and an off-site adventure. We'll be outdoors the entire time, soaking up the sunshine and fresh air.
Ages: 3-5 years
Children must be 3 years old by June 1, 2025, and fully self-sufficient in the restroom. No exceptions.
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Cost: $105 per week
Snack: A mid-morning snack is provided. Students attending at least two weeks are enrolled in the CACFP food program and will not be charged a snack fee. Students attending only one week will be charged a $5 snack fee.
Registration & Payment:
1. Register at least 14 days prior to your desired week.
2. A $50 non-refundable deposit per week is due at registration. This deposit will be applied to your tuition. You also have the option to pay full tuition at time of registration.
3. Full tuition for June weeks is due by May 15, 2025.
4. Full tuition for July weeks is due by June 15, 2025.
5. Payment is made online.
6. Additional paperwork will be emailed to you after registration is submitted. Completed paperwork and a current immunization record are required for each child.
Cancellation Policy:
* Full tuition refunds are given for cancellations made at least 14 days prior to the registered week.
* No refunds are given for cancellations made less than 14 days prior to the registered week.
Wait List:
1. A $50 deposit per week is required to join the wait list.
2. Deposits are refunded if no spot becomes available.
3. Deposits are not refunded if a spot is offered and declined.
4. Tuition is due upon acceptance of a spot offered after May 15 (June weeks) or June 15 (July weeks).
June 9-13 Chirp, Buzz, Tap: Nature & Music: William Shakespeare said, “The Earth has music for those who listen.” We will listen and create our own music and instruments using nature as our guide.
June 16-20 Mud, Leaves & Masterpieces: Nature & Art: Nature is an inspiration for many artists. We will use nature to inspire and create our own artwork.
June 23-27: Rocks, Dirt, Volcanoes: Earth Science: Earth science helps us understand how our planet works! We will investigate rocks, dirt, fossils, and landforms.
July 14-18 Roll, Spin, Flow: Physics in Nature: Why do objects fall down instead of up? How do trees get water to the top branches? How do birds fly? We will explore gravity, energy, force, and more!
July 21-25 Pop, Fizzle, Ooze: Chemistry in Nature: Chemistry is all around us in nature! It explains how plants grow, and even how animals survive. We will dive in and discover some great chemical reactions.
July 28 – Aug. 1 Roots, Wings & Fins: Biology in Nature: Biology is the science of living organisms. In this Adventure, we will examine plants, aquatic creatures, and land animals.