Full Day Options (9:00 am - 3:30 pm)
Monday - Friday: $165/week
3 Days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $99/week
2 Days: Tuesday/Thursday: $66/week
Half Day Options (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)
5 Days: Monday - Friday: $90/week
3 Days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $65/week
2 Days: Tuesday/Thursday: $50/week
Tuition Payment Options
Tuition can be paid on the first day of each week (Monday or Tuesday) or monthly by the 5th of each month.
Payments are considered late if:
* Weekly payments are received on Wednesday or Thursday.
* Monthly payments are received after the 5th of the month.
A $25 late fee will be charged on all late payments or returned checks.
In the event that tuition is one month overdue and alternate arrangements have not been discussed with the director, your child will not be allowed to attend Hugging Tree Nature Preschool until payment is made in full.
A $50.00 registration fee is due when your registration paperwork is submitted. In the event that there is not space for your child in the Hugging Tree program, this fee will be refunded.
A snack fee will be collected in August to cover the food costs of our all-natural, primarily organic, homemade snacks.
Part Time 2 days: $40
Part Time 3 days: $60
Full Time: $100
In order to avoid tuition for a given month, written notification of intent to withdraw must be received one month (30 days) in advance. (For example, the March payment would not become payable if the director receives notification on or before February 1st.)